Dr. Party
date: 11.03.12 The BIG BASH has finally arrived! If you were at the BIG 40th, 10 years ago, you know what a BLAST this is!


This is to celebrate several monumental Birthdays from this year:

Shon, Charlie, Larry, Tom and David, all turned 50!


Hard to believe, I know. We're gonna have a BLAST!


Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, we get to
party an extra hour that night, too!


Be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event, here!


Be sure to bring a Lawn Chair, too!!

time: 4p until the cows start mooing
where: 16501 W. 59th Terrace
Shawnee, KS 66217
cost: FREE*, you bitches!

*See Charitable Contributions tab.

As always, please don't drink and drive. Camping space is available. Please utilize it, if you've had too much to drink.


We're proud to announce
that we have a

Premiere Sponsor
this year!


Help me thank Dr. Aaron and Devin McDonald for their generous donation to our cause this year.

AIDS Walk Kansas City

"Center of Life Chiropractic has been located in the Waldo Neighborhood of Kansas City, MO since 2003. We partner with our practice members in the pursuit of health and wellness to provide individualized spinal adjustments to alleviate and remove stress. We work with not only back and neck pain, and headaches, but also with a variety of other conditions.

We have 2 doctors, Dr. Aaron McDonald and Dr. Randi Carver. Located inside Center of Life Chiropractic we also have an acupuncturist as well as 2 massage therapists."

We're going to do something a little different this year:


Since we're expecting sooo many people, we thought we'd take donations to go towards
an excellent local charity:


AIDS Walk Kansas City.


They're entering their 25th year of fighting, and are dedicated to stopping the spread of AIDS, and to help those fighting the disease.


Every cent of our donation stays in Kansas City, helping others.


AIDS Walk Kansas City is one of the most successful AIDS Walks in the United States, and it's because of you
we're able to continue the fight.



AIDS Walk Kansas City


We're asking for a suggested donation of: $5 each. More would be greatly appreciated, and less would be gladly accepted.


Please donate generously to this fantastic cause.

We'll have a few kegs.

All Bud Light,
and one Coors Light.


BYOB for anything else
you'd like to drink.


Bringing a snack will do wonders for your Karma.

camp out!camp out!camp out!camp out!
camp out!camp out!camp out!camp out!
carrieOke Logo



Once again, we will have the WORLD FAMOUS: Carrie,
of CarrieOke Productions, providing the Music
and the CarrieOke!


C'mon out and

bring your SING on and
party the night away!


Carrieoke Productions is one of the largest entertainment services companies in the Kansas City area.  They have 17 sound systems, ranging between 500 to 5000 watts in power, depending on the application.  They have 5 vans and 22 DJs and do approximately 120 shows each month.



Carrie Cartoon

Hayrides will be provided!


Scary music, not included.

camp out!



We're not going to be
burning down any trees,
but, we WILL have FLAMEAGE!


Have a tent?
Bring it and camp out!


Better to crawl to your tent, than be drinking and driving!


Hell! Have an RV, bring it, too!

(just no hook-ups provided for the RV.
Other hook-ups are your OWN responsibility.)

camp out!