SpectraExtra® Three
Page Label
Extra Copy Space for Your Product Labels
Almost three times the copy space of an ordinary
Opens and reseals for consumer reference.
Virtually any size, shape, or combination
of colors.
No visible seams or folds.
Often eliminates the need for second labels,
boxes, or inserts.
Get more information on your existing containers.
Simplifies inventory and reduces storage
Easily applied with standard labeling equipment.
Patent Pending
SpectraGraphics Label Systems has added SpectraExtra® Three
Page Labels to its expanded content label line. With the constant
stream of new required labeling information, many labels are running
out of space for copy. The resealable top layer opens revealing
two extra panels for copy.
SpectraExtra® Labels have almost
triple the copy space of an ordinary label. The unique manufacturing
process leaves no seams or folds visible on the front of the label.
This makes SpectraExtra® suitable for the primary product label
often eliminating the need for a separate back label, auxiliary
pamphlets, booklet labels, or printed boxes. |