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Instant Coupons

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Get a jump on your competition with promotional labels from SpectraGraphics. On-pack promotional labels are a proven method to increase sales volume and profits.

SpectraGraphics’ instant peel off coupons give your customers an “on the spot sale price”. And coupons give you the flexibility to promote in an individual store or region. No need to be on sale everywhere – just where you need to be.

SpectraFold™ multi page labels give you that extra room to put recipes, rebate forms, mail-in offers, etc. on your product. The more ways you can show your customer how to use your product, the more they will buy.

There’s a SpectraGraphics’ on-pack label for all of your promotional label needs. From one color to process color. From 1 page to 32 pages.

SpectraGraphics labels are 100% Guaranteed to perform to your satisfaction and are backed by SpectraGraphics' 25 year history of excellence.