SpectraFold™ Multi
Page Labels
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SpectraGraphics developed SpectraFold™ Multi
Page Labels for your products that require a large volume of cautionary
or instructional information. SpectraFold™ Multi Page Labels
fold out from a pressure sensitive base label to create virtually
an unlimited number of pages for graphics and text. This capability
eliminates your need for outer boxes, neck hangers, sleeve labels,
and auxiliary inserts.
SpectraFold™ Multi Page Labels were developed for chemical
and pharmaceutical containers requiring detailed warning information
or instructions. The unique format is also ideal for rebates and
redemption offers because the pamphlet can be removed while the
base of the label remains intact. SpectraFold™ Multi Page
Labels can be applied automatically with standard labeling equipment.
SpectraFold™ Multi Page Labels are custom designed to your
specifications, and can be printed in multiple colors including
process color. This labeling method significantly cuts your packaging
costs compared to printed inserts, neck hangers or sleeve labels.
With SpectraFold™ Multi Page Labels, you meet all government
and legal labeling requirements and still retain the design impact
creative packagers seek.
SpectraFold™ Labels are the economical solution to your product
ID requirements. |